Staking dApp

The Pioneering Platform for Passive Earnings through Staking presents an innovative staking digital application that empowers its users with the opportunity to earn passive rewards on their investments. Boasting an Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of up to 21%, is designed to acknowledge and reward the dedication and loyalty of its community members.

Understanding Staking Dynamics 's staking framework is meticulously designed to favor extended staking durations, offering progressively substantial APYs. Investors have the flexibility to lock in their tokens for varying periods—30, 60, 90, or 180 days, with the APY escalating in tandem with the staking duration:

  • 30 days: Earn a 11% APY

  • 60 days: Earn a 14% APY

  • 90 days: Earn a 18% APY

  • 180 days: Earn a 23% APY

Getting Started with Staking on

To dive into the world of staking with, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Navigate to the Staking dApp: Access the staking portal at through your mobile wallet browser, or on a desktop where your digital wallet resides.

  2. Connect Your Wallet: Use any compatible digital wallet to link with the dApp.

  3. Allocate Your Tokens: Determine the quantity of tokens you're ready to stake.

  4. Select Your Staking Duration: Choose your preferred lock-up period from the available options (30, 60, 90, or 180 days).

  5. Initiate Staking: Approve the tokens for staking, then click "STAKE" to deposit them into the pool and commence earning.

Fueling the Staking Ecosystem

The sustainability of the staking program is underpinned by a strategic investment policy. Initially, 10% of all issued tokens were allocated to bolster the staking pool, ensuring the platform's ability to consistently deliver rewards. This investment fund approach is critical for maintaining the token's value and securing the staking program's longevity.

Calculating Your APY

To gauge the daily returns on your investment via the selected APY, a straightforward formula is employed: Rewards = (APY(%)/364 days) * Investment Amount. 's staking platform stands as a testament to our commitment to creating value for our community members, providing a robust mechanism for passive earnings through strategic investment in our ecosystem. FAQ: Q: What will you do to support the staking contract once the rewards are no longer available? A: Once the initial rewards of 100,000 $XEI are exhausted, we will continue to support the pool through monthly buybacks to sustain consistent yields for our investors.

Last updated


Copyright XEI LLC 2024